Established in 1949. The Society exists to further the skills, interests and enjoyment of all types of photography. It provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on photographic techniques, and encourages an appreciation of the artistic and creative side of photography. Members of all levels of achievement are encouraged to show and discuss their work. No photographic knowledge required - just enjoy viewing photographs and the night out!

Thursday 27 March 2008

AGM 2008 Report


Annual General Meeting

17th March 2008…Hugh Ripley Hall, Ripon

Commenced 7.45 pm…Michael Voice in the chair.

  1. Apologies…David and Dorothy Morland and Andrew Linscott

  1. No Minutes from last meeting, will take as read.

  1. Presidents Report…Michael Voice…Thanked the members for allowing him to be President. The year has been exceptional, increased membership, successful tutorials; the Annual Exhibition was the best ever! The donations from the summer tutorials and the Sponsors had been sufficient to cover hall hire costs. The President thanked all members and committee who had helped throughout the year with the essential labour for the meetings, exhibition Etc.

  1. Treasurers Report…Andrew was unable to attend tonight but his balance Sheet was presented by Michael. Although Andrew had had to take over at short notice with no records he had now managed to balance the books correctly.

Although cash in hand is good at the moment, income is slightly down on

Expenditure. We have committed funds to buying new equipment and need

£600 for reserves The Council have increased hall hire for 2008 so he suggested a rise in subscriptions for 2008,

Members to £27,

Seniors to £22

Students to £9

By a majority vote the report and subscription increases were accepted.

  1. Competition Secretary’s Report. Sarah Harrison We had covered 8 competitions

Over 7 evenings, with 24 members submitting 450 entries. Most entered

Competition was Monochrome; least was sadly the Presidents Competition. So a

Big well done to all members. Also entries were sent in for the YPU

Competition, and the Hague and Berwick interclub “fun nights “

  1. YPU report, as David was not present there was no report.

  1. Programme Secretary’s Report….Diane Bowes, in conjunction with Kathryn Carter presented the report. Although this was their first attempt as Programme Secretary’s they were reasonably satisfied with the results. Some teething problems had caused them anxieties but they had overcome them well, and were more aware of what to do next year. There had been a variety of topics from different speakers and all had gone down very well. The Christmas party was enjoyed by all. X Factor , a new approach was well received and supported and giving the members their own choices for the PAGB was innovative and appreciated

  1. Summer meeting dates are…April 14th, May12th, June 9th and July 14th. All will be tutorials on Photoshop, open to non members; these will be published on our website.

  1. Diane Bowes was proposed by Michael to be our new Vice President, seconded by Keith Wagner... unanimously passed

  1. Nomination of Officers for 2008. The existing officers were prepared to stay in office for another year unless there were any proposals from the floor. There was none. Sarah as our president had to resign as Competition secretary but a proposal that Paul Bullock be elected to the committee was accepted. Paul has kindly agreed to have a go as Competition Secretary

Michael stated that as he was retiring this year he will probably move out of the area sometime so did not wish to take an office but will assist Paul initially

As we are still short of committee members we will co-opt as necessary...

  1. Any other business…

A There will be Photographer of the year next session, judged on points scores at Competitions, with a trophy for the winner.

B Possibility of 2 classes in competitions, novices and experienced. The committee had talked about this, although not happy with this way will approach the problem.

C We are still waiting for feedback from our entry to the PAGB

D Paul asked how many junior members we had, answer 2. Could we approach the local colleges, give open nights etc thoughts will be carried forward.

E Chase up the report from the Hague group, has it got lost in transmission, all will be revealed later….

Meeting closed at 8 15 pm

Signed ……………………………………… President


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