Established in 1949. The Society exists to further the skills, interests and enjoyment of all types of photography. It provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on photographic techniques, and encourages an appreciation of the artistic and creative side of photography. Members of all levels of achievement are encouraged to show and discuss their work. No photographic knowledge required - just enjoy viewing photographs and the night out!

Friday 28 March 2008

Photoshop Express Beta

You can now use Photoshop Express online for free. I'm guessing you'll need a fast internet connection.

News, Tips, and Reviews from Renowned Software Trainer Justin Seeley.

Photoshop Express Beta

By Justin Seeley on photoshop express

Photoshop Express

Adobe has announced the (beta) release of its online photo-editing service called Photoshop Express. This service is offered by Adobe completely free of charge and you can sign up now by visiting the Photoshop Express Website. When you sign up you'll get 2GB of space to house your work and you will also be able to showcase the photos you edit in a gallery (which is also hosted free of charge by Adobe).

As I continue to test this service I find myself wondering who will actually use it… Adobe says they are targeting entry-level photographers and consumers and they also justify the service only being available online by stating that they believe more users are spending time online and they want to be available to those online users 24/7 and hopefully attract more people to the Adobe Family. As I said before, I'm still testing the site and compiling my notes, but I will be sharing some how-to videos here on the blog, so be looking for those very soon!


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