Established in 1949. The Society exists to further the skills, interests and enjoyment of all types of photography. It provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on photographic techniques, and encourages an appreciation of the artistic and creative side of photography. Members of all levels of achievement are encouraged to show and discuss their work. No photographic knowledge required - just enjoy viewing photographs and the night out!

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Take a 6-month exposure photo


Sent to you by Alastair via Google Reader:


via by Jason Striegel on 1/5/09


Pocket-Sized sent in a link to this article about the photography of Justin Quinnell. Using a pinhole camera made from an aluminum can, Justin was able to take super-long exposure, 160 degree angle photos over a 6 month period. The photo above was exposed from the 2007 winter solstice to the following summer solstice.

In the photos, you can clearly see the path taken by the sun each day, marking the passage of time. Justin has dedicated the project to his father, who passed away on the 116th sunrise that was captured.

You can make your own pinhole camera to take long exposure shots like this. Justin put together a howto that documents his own method. The hardest part is finding a good solid place to mount the camera where it won't be disturbed for months at a time.

One interesting thing that he mentions is scanning the film at high-res without even developing it. I've never heard of doing this, but I presume that if it works, it's a one time shot. Does anyone have experience with this that would care to comment?

Pinhole Photography By Justin Quinnell
How To Create 6 Month Exposures


Things you can do from here:


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